
Stay Young and Looking and Feeling Fabulous

If You Like To Stay Young,Look Young,Feel Young,by doing everyday smart things:
You Exercise,
You Eat healthy,
You De-Stress -- not so hard, right?
These advice will help you stay young and have you looking and feeling everyday fabulous!

Why Don't You try it today.

1. Give yourself a break 給自己大腦休息
2. Consume more fat
3. Get off the couch
4. Feel the love
5. Drink red wine
6. Do yoga
7. Bite into a superfruit
8. Sip green tea
9. Slather your skin with supplements
10. Do mental aerobics

1/ 給自己大腦休息

最近的研究表明,壓力會導致人體內生理變化,可以加速老化。激增的荷爾蒙腎上腺素和皮質醇引起血壓上升,心臟跳動更快。當源源不斷的工作壓力、錢的問題似乎對我們的身體和精神健康付出一個沉重的代價。每年與焦慮,抑鬱,強迫憤怒和敵意,失眠,高血壓,心髒病 - 所有的問題所造成的壓力,有“60到90% 佔了全部醫生的案例。

最有效的方法制止這種破壞性的是打坐冥想,“放鬆”。 我們可以重複一個句子、短語,或祈禱 -時間短至每天10分鐘。 2005年一項研究發現,冥想有助於預防與年齡有關的改變大腦。
